1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!

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1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!


Traffic Safety Insights Blog

Get tips and perspective on traffic safety for your municipality, agency or organization. 

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All Traffic Solutions offers traffic sign trailers that can power the technology of your choice
A Mobile Traffic Sign Trailer That Powers LPR Cameras, Surveillance Cameras, and Other Tech

ATS offers traffic sign trailer solutions that are plug-and-play to save time and reduce technology installation expenses.

Shield 15 Solar Radar Speed Signs can help reduce speeding and collect traffic data
Why Choose Integrated Solar Radar Speed Signs? Comparing Power Options for Driver Feedback Signs

Experience faster setup, longer battery life, and smoother maintenance with Integrated Solar radar speed signs.

speed radar sign slowing speeding on residential street
Enhancing Traffic Safety: How Speed Radar Signs Complement Traditional Speed Limit Signs

Discover how a speed radar sign can enhance traffic safety by offering speed feedback and traffic data, complementing speed limit signs.

Portable changeable message sign on a vehicle hitch sharing information about a town event
Common Uses of Portable Changeable Message Signs

Portable changeable message signs are used to share important information and promote traffic safety campaigns, among many other use cases.

Show Us Your Sign Sumbissions
2023 “Show Us Your Sign” Contest Recap: Check Out How Our Signs Are Used Across the Country!

This year, we hosted our third annual “Show Us Your Sign” contest. We invited our customers to share videos of their ATS signs with us, and we showcased every entry

Variable message sign boards can help communicate important messages for heavily populated events
5 Ways Variable Message Sign Boards Can Boost Event Operations

As exciting as events are, there are some challenges that event operations’ teams often face when it comes to managing attendees, high traffic around the venue and ensuring that everyone

ATS TraffiCloud traffic management ecosystem displayed with traffic devices and software
Traffic Management Software that Maximizes the Power of Your Traffic Tools

In the fast-paced world we live in, traffic safety remains a top concern. In 2022, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that motor vehicle traffic crashes caused 42,795 deaths,

How Radar Message Boards Can Assist Back-to-School Traffic Safety Measures

Learn how radar message boards can be used to increase back to school traffic safety in your school zone and in your community.

A speed and message trailer, which are solutions that may be used for the Safe Streets and Roads for All program
Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Grant Program Essentials: Vital Information, Resources, and More

Learn about the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant program. In this article, you can find out who’s eligible, important information, and more.

3 Reasons Why Digital Speed Limit Signs Are Used

Discover the benefits of digital speed limit signs, how they affect driver behavior, collect traffic data, and are cost-effective. Learn more in this blog.

4 Ways to Maximize Efficiency at Your Events Venue with Variable Message Board Signs

Learn how stadiums & arenas improve traffic flow, fan experience and communication at games, concerts and other events using variable message board signs.

Reflecting on a Successful Year – Highlights of 2022

All Traffic Solutions has had an exciting 2022! We owe all our success this year to our customers, who provide us the privilege of supporting their traffic and safety initiatives; and our team members, who strive to continuously improve our solutions and the customer experience.

Variable Message Board on a portable post welcoming students on college move-in day
How Portable Variable Message Signs Can Assist College Move-In Day Processes

Learn how portable variable message signs can help smooth student move-in processes for campus security, residence directors, and other staff.

‘Show Us Your Sign’ 2022 Contest Recap – See How Our Signs Are Used Across The Country!

In our second annual ‘Show Us Your Sign’ contest, our customers shared images of their ATS signs being used in their communities.

ATS Message and Radar Trailer Line
ATS Message and Radar Trailers: Which One is Right for You?

Reduce speeding, calm traffic, and communicate to the public quickly by utilizing one of All Traffic Solutions’ message and radar trailer options.

An InstAlert Variable Message Sign is one of the most useful parking solutions for college campuses
A Simple Parking Solution for College Campuses During Graduation and Beyond

Improve parking guidance and traffic flow during commencement events using this simple parking solution for college campuses.

SpeedAlert 24 on an ATS 5 trailer in South Portland, Maine
How to Resolve Speeding Complaints and Improve Community Relations

South Portland PD resolves speeding complaints from concerned citizens by using a police speed trailer to collect data and mitigate speeding.

How Variable Message Signs Maximize the Efficiency of COVID-19 Vaccination & Testing Sites

Learn how variable message signs are maximizing COVID-19 vaccination and testing sites for emergency management and health departments.

VMS Board on the hitch of a truck warning of crash
VMS Board: The Top Four Benefits

The most impactful benefits of a variable message sign (VMS board) are that they are versatile, effective, can be operated remotely, and they’re mobile.

Lt. Knapp describes using speed reduction signs
Reducing Speeding in Neighborhoods & Resolving Complaints

Learn how Sturgis Police Department reduced speeding in neighborhoods using speed reduction signs and data to resolve complaints and prioritize enforcement.

Auburn Police Department New Hampshire
‘Show Us Your Sign’ Contest Recap – See How Our Signs Are Used Across The Country!

This spring we held our first “Show Us Your Sign” contest to highlight all the different ways our signs are used.  We asked our customers to submit images and videos of their ATS signs, and we shared each of them on our Facebook page between May and early June. The contest entry that received the most likes, comments, and shares on their post won a free Shield 12 radar speed sign with 90 days of TraffiCloud®!

GSA Schedule
A Guide to the GSA Schedule for State & Local Governments

Did you know that state and local governments can utilize the GSA Schedule during a Public Health Emergency? Here’s a quick guide to things you may want to know.

How Emergency Management and Health Departments Use Variable Message Signs to Improve Efficiency of COVID-19 Vaccination Sites

Variable message signs are often deployed at COVID-19 vaccination PODs to display time-sensitive information with high visibility. Learn more about some of the most common use cases.

2021 ATSSA Convention Highlights: Watch Our Educational Session, “Putting The Brakes on Speeding Now and After COVID-19”

Our team enjoyed the opportunity to connect and converse with attendees at the American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) 51st Annual Convention and Traffic Expo!

The Top 3 Unsafe Driving Trends That Led to More Traffic Fatalities in 2020

Learn about the unsafe driving behaviors that led to increased traffic fatalities in the U.S. in 2020— and what can be done to prevent them in the future.

parking solutions
Accurate & Streamlined Parking Solutions

Parking Solutions For 2021 and Beyond With public transportation options low and/or non-existent in 2020, more and more Americans purchased personal vehicles to get to work, appointments, or go shopping.

IACP Booth
International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) 2020 Virtual Conference Recap

In October, All Traffic Solutions exhibited at the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) annual conference. Our virtual booth will be accessible to attendees until December 31, 2020.

The Year 2020 As Told By Variable Message Signs

Throughout the pandemic, our customers have used All Traffic Solutions signs as tools to keep the public safe, informed, and connected. Here are some great examples of the different ways our customers used All Traffic Solutions signs for COVID-19 response.

What is Cooperative Purchasing?

A cooperative purchasing program combines multiple buyers’ requirements on a single contract to aggregate volume and raise the purchasing power of each participating entity. A lead agency typically conducts the

Curbside pick up
Black Friday 2020: What To Expect

Black Friday will look a little different this year, but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing! This year our nation has adapted new health and safety guidelines as we

All Traffic Solutions Awarded Spot on Heavy Equipment Procurement Program with VSA

All Traffic Solutions is excited to announce that we’ve been awarded a spot on the Virginia Sheriffs’ Association’s Heavy Equipment Procurement Program for 2020-2021 among 44 other dealers! With one

parking solutions
Survey Results: Parking Industry Insights During COVID-19 and Beyond

Many industries have been impacted by COVID-19, including the parking industry. To say 2020 has been difficult is quite the understatement. All Traffic Solutions partnered with Parking Today to survey

Traffic Data: A Key Response To Today’s Speeding Crisis

One thing I’m sure you’ve read about since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic: anarchy on the roads. There’s less traffic, and the consequence has been more speeding. That’s a

Technically Better Together

Dear Parking Peers, Here’s the thing. The thing I’m sure you all have thought or whispered, and only a few have said. Allow me to come right out of the

Traffic and Parking Safety Solutions
Why Traffic and Parking Solutions are Critical for Communities of Concern

More than 90 Americans die every day in vehicular accidents.  The bad news? It most likely won’t change until communities get proactive when it comes to traffic and parking safety.

You can turn your signs back on now!

A “Quick Rant” by Christine Parisi Too often, monument signs that are supposed to be displaying open and occupied parking spaces are turned off, putting the “parking experience” right back…

The Ongoing Conflict Between Data Privacy and Smart Cities: Will It End?

I’ve been drawn to the headlines coming out of San Diego, where a government watchdog group has sued the city over data it has collected from smart street lights. This

Combat Drunk Driving and Keep the Season Jolly

ATS’ portable, cloud-enabled signage supports seasonal safe driving campaigns. The Facts: Alcohol-related driving kills over 10,000 people on US roads each year — and the likelihood of tragedy increases over

smart city All Traffic Solutions
Don’t Let Fear Paralyze You: Becoming a Smart City Can Be Easier Than You Think

By Andy Souders CEO, All Traffic Solutions Smart city. The words elicit dreams of utopia. And fear. When  communities do smart city right – like in the case of New

Helping to Shape the Future of the Policing Profession – One Resolved Traffic Complaint at a Time

“At IACP 2019, I really hope that you’ll make every moment count, with countless opportunities to be inspired, gain insight and make connections. This is the most important event in

All Traffic Solutions open house Flags of Valor
ATS Hosts First Customer Appreciation Day for Local Law Enforcement

by Christine Parisi Business Development Manager All Traffic Solutions “Sell the problem you solve, not the product”— this quote recently inspired me. Sure, it’s what everyone in Sales aims to

ATS Parking Cloud parking availability accuracy for smart parking
Customers Lose When Parking Apps Fail

by Christine Parisi Business Development Manager All Traffic Solutions Behind the (Mobile Parking) App  Recently I’ve been thinking a lot about apps. Not to be confused with deep-fried platters of

accurate parking availability counts are a must-have
Why Accurate Parking Availability is a Must-Have

    Whether you manage parking facilities for a commercial parking operator, university, corporate campus or airport, immediate access to real-time parking availability is a must-have for maximum revenue, productivity

Traffic Calming Measures to Save Pedestrian Lives

As immersed as we are in traffic statistics each day at ATS, this particular statistic from a 2011 AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety study never ceases to hit home: “The average

ATS Smart Parking Blog
Parking Sucks: Let’s Make it Better

by Christine Parisi, ATS Business Development Manager and Observer of All Things Parking I moved to the Northern, VA area just over four years ago. Since then I’ve relocated four

solutions to car parking problems in large shopping malls
Smart Solutions to Car Parking Problems in Large Shopping Malls

Retail shopping centers face an increasing threat of decline due to online shopping. It’s not surprising that many consumers find it more convenient to do their shopping over the Internet,

integrate your PARCS systems
Maximize your PARCS System Investment with Accurate Vehicle Counts

If your organization operates a parking access control system (PARCS) to manage parking inventory and availability, you made a hefty investment. So, it may be disconcerting when you realize your

cost-effective smart parking solutions for universities and colleges
How to Increase the Accuracy of Your Campus Parking Availability Information

I have sometimes thought of the modern [U.S.] university as a series of individual faculty entrepreneurs held together by a common grievance over parking.  – Clark Kerr, former President of

parkingcloud smart parking dashboard
Improve the Parking Experience with an Open-Platform Parking System

We all want to provide a smooth parking experience for our customers, employees, students, shoppers and more. Whether you’re buying one component of a parking availability and guidance solution, outfitting

Public Works Installs SpeedLane Pro Counter Classifier from ATS
Share Traffic Data: How Law Enforcement, Public Works and Municipalities Benefit

    As towns and cities everywhere become more populated and industry continues to grow, our roads have become more congested, with more residential and commercial vehicles hurrying to get

ParkingCloud smart parking system dashboard All Traffic Solutions
Why an Easy Smart Parking System is Better

Whether you’re buying one component of your parking availability and guidance solution for a single lot or garage, or building a system for your entire parking operation, you want it

A Smart Solution for Real-time Parking Accuracy

    With everyone from commercial operators and municipalities to colleges, universities and airports working to optimize operations, “smart parking” solutions can be a game changer. For parking professionals looking

Maximize Your Budget with Versatile Traffic Management Devices

Most organizations are looking to do more with less, but this can be difficult when it comes to something as critical as traffic safety. One way to maximize your traffic

Getting to 99% Accuracy with “Right Fit, Right Technology” Solutions: Part 2: Why Platform Matters

You want the most cost-effective availability and guidance solution across your parking operation Continuing with the last post, while understanding your parking operation has a variety of needs and environments,

How to Achieve “Availability Certainty” Using Connected Parking Systems and Real-time Data Part 3: Building Your “Right-Fit, Right-Technology” Parking System

In today’s post we’ll look at why real-time parking data and analytics are two cornerstones of a successful parking system implementation and operation, and how the right parking guidance solution

Getting to 99% Accuracy with Your Parking Availability and Guidance Solution – Part 1: Why Accuracy is Critical

Regardless of whether you’re buying one component of a parking availability and guidance solution, outfitting one lot or garage, or crafting a system for your entire parking environment, your goal

How to Achieve “Availability Certainty” Using Connected Parking Systems and Real-time Data Part 2: How to assess your parking needs

In our last post, we discussed the limitations of old-school solutions. Now let’s look at how to assess the best smart parking solution for you. Solutions: Best vs. Best Fit

How to Achieve “Availability Certainty” Using Connected Parking Systems and Real-time Data Part 1: Limitations of old school solutions

Traditionally, parking availability data used for guidance, pricing, planning and reporting has been based on estimates and anecdotal information, but today that’s no longer an option. If you’re a parking

Free Up Resources and Let Portable Traffic Devices Do the Work

  If your agency needs to stretch the budget—what agency doesn’t?—you know it’s challenging to manage traffic flow and safety with fewer resources.  You’re trying to do more with less

Run Quick, Accurate Speed Surveys and Traffic Studies Using Portable Traffic Devices and the Cloud

If you’ve ever had to follow up with residents regarding speeding complaints on a particular road or neighborhood, you know that generating speed surveys and traffic studies can be time

Shield portable radar speed sign from All Traffic Solutions
Bolster Road Safety with Connected Radar Speed Displays

As your community grows and your budget shrinks, your resources are probably being stretched to the limit. A growing population usually means an expanding infrastructure and more businesses moving to

How Agencies Can Easily Automate Traffic Management Using the Internet of Things and Cloud Technology: Part II Traffic Flow

Last week we posted the first of a two-part conversation with Heidi Traverso, former police officer and ATS in-house traffic solutions expert, in which she shared how some agencies are

How to Gain Real-Time Understanding of Your Parking Availability Using a Smart Cities Approach

If you’re a parking operator, when it comes to having a parking management system that allows you to understand your total parking availability in real time, the deck has been

Avoiding Traffic Calming Debates with Radar Speed Displays—a decision everyone can agree on

Not a week goes by that at least one community in the US is locked in a heated debate regarding which traffic calming method they should implement on their busy

Build Your Case for New Radar Speed Displays in Your Community

“Motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of death in the United States. In 2016, there were 37,461 traffic-related deaths. That number was 5.6% higher than in 2015. This follows

Web-enabled Variable Message Signs for Real-time Conditional Messaging

  Variable message signs are the workhorses of roadside messaging devices. But if you’re sending someone to each sign every time you need to change the message or limit the

open platforms for parking management
Open Platforms for Parking Management: Getting the Right Solution that Fits Your Needs

If you’re frustrated about having to use multiple systems to manage your parking availability, guidance, safety and security, access control and vehicle routing—read on. In this post, we’ll talk about

Greatest Challenges Parking Facilities Managers Face

Parking facilities management is difficult. As urban areas become more populated, the number of vehicles on the road increases and drivers become more aggressive, providing safe, ample parking is a

Parking Management Challenges? The Cloud has Solutions: Part 2

Last week we discussed some of the parking management woes that many facilities face on a daily basis. Now let’s take a look at how adopting a “Smart Cities” approach

Parking Management Challenges? The Cloud has Solutions

Whether your organization is an airport, hospital, corporate enterprise or warehouse facility, no doubt you’re challenged with providing ample, safe, efficient parking facilities for those you serve, whether they are

Five More Powerful Ways to Use Traffic Data and Analytics

In our last blog post we discussed how increasing demands on municipalities in the midst of shrinking budgets and overstretched departments make traffic management difficult. The good news is adopting

Three Powerful Ways to Use Traffic Data and Analytics

As your municipality becomes more populated and industry continues to grow, your roads have become more congested. In the past, increased traffic has meant assigning more personnel to carry out

StatTrak Vehicle Count and Classification
Curing the Headache of Vehicle Count and Classification with Sensors

You’ve been asked to gather vehicle count and classification data on a particularly speed-prone stretch of road. The thought of installing road tubes is stress-inducing, and the task itself is

Smart Parking: Technology and Analytics Can Optimize Parking Availability

 From the whitepaper “Smarter Cities:  5 Ways to See Results in 2017” (Download now) In our previous posts, we’ve discussed how properly ‘agile’  smarter transportation projects can provide results now

Smart Safety Initiatives for Managing Complex Traffic Safety Challenges

 From the whitepaper “Smarter Cities:  5 Ways to See Results in 2017” (Download now) In our previous posts, we’ve discussed how properly ‘agile’  smarter transportation projects can provide results now

Smart Traffic Congestion Management- Why Communication is Key

From the whitepaper “Smarter Cities:  5 Ways to See Results in 2017” (Download now) In our previous posts, we’ve discussed how properly ‘agile’  smarter transportation projects can provide results now

Data-Driven Decision Making Equals Better Traffic Management Outcomes

From the whitepaper “Smarter Cities:  5 Ways to See Results in 2017” (Download now) In our previous post, we discussed how properly ‘agile’  smarter transportation projects can provide results now

Traffic Data Sharing and Analysis

Data, data, data. It’s everywhere. On devices, in files, on spreadsheets and worst of all, captured in manual tracking logs.  But there’s an easier way to analyze your data and

Web-enabled Count and Classification Devices: Goodbye Road Tubes!

Today, transportation data collection equipment or ‘counters’ have become a component of the “Internet of Things” — that buzz phrase heard at conferences and on the news, that more often

Count & Classify in the Cloud

We are switching gears now to talk about counting cars. Yes, counting and classifying the cars on your roads.  There are quite a few reasons you want to study the

How to keep better records with cloud-enabled radar speed signs

Over the last several weeks, we’ve been talking about how you can keep your roads safer with radar speed signs. And today’s the day we step it up a notch.

How to justify a budget increase to the city council with data from your radar speed signs

It usually starts with a call from a resident. Cars are flying past their home, they say, and the police department is spurred to investigate the situation either by placing

What can Lidar do that my radar speed sign can’t?

In several past blog entries, we talked about placing a radar speed sign in an area where people may be speeding to collect the data first. By using a sign,

The other traffic metric you need to understand to make roads safe

In the past, we talked about how important it is to understand the 85th Percentile. It’s a tough concept, but once you get it under your belt your knowledge of how

What can Lidar do that my radar speed sign can’t?

In several past blog entries, we talked about placing a radar speed sign in an area where people may be speeding to collect the data first. By using a sign,

Why one town loves its blinking radar speed display

Last time we discussed when to include a message on a speed radar sign and why incorporating one makes them more effective and versatile. But that’s not the only way

When do you include a message on a radar speed message board?

Learn when it’s best to incorporate a message onto a radar message board, with real examples from our clients. Blog updated March 1st, 2022.

3 things a radar speed display can do besides tell drivers how fast they’re going

The public demands a lot from our law enforcement and municipal government and, more often than not, we ask them to do more with less. That’s why we coach our

Where to put a radar speed display so you get the best data

When first looking at improving the safety of a road, many people start by counting the number of cars that travel on the road and determining how many are speeding.

Where to put a radar speed display to optimize traffic calming effectiveness

One of the first tactics to slow down a busy road is installing a radar speed display to make drivers aware of how fast they are traveling. But that can

What does 85th percentile mean? This graph can help explain it.
What does 85th percentile mean? A concept to improve traffic safety

There are a few concepts that are important to understand before diving into traffic data — and perhaps no other concept is more important than the 85th Percentile. What does

5 speeding solutions to calm traffic on a busy road

Learn the five best speeding solutions to help calm traffic and how to slow traffic on residential streets. Updated on February 4th, 2022.

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