All Traffic Solutions

ATS Gives Back

All Traffic Solutions’ ATS Gives Back Program

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All Traffic Solutions

ATS Gives Back

All Traffic Solutions’

ATS Gives Back Program

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ATS Gives Back

All Traffic Solutions Launches
ATS Gives Back Program


About Our Program

Over the past 20+ years, we’ve consistently found that police departments in smaller communities have a need for our signs, but lack the necessary budget and often do not qualify for grants. 

We started ATS Gives Back in 2020 as a way to show our support and bridge this gap in a meaningful way. Each month, we donate a radar speed sign to an agency in need— empowering them to promote public safety, make communities safer, and ultimately save lives.

Over the past 20+ years, we’ve consistently found that police departments in smaller communities have a need for our signs, but lack the necessary budget and often do not qualify for grants. 

We started ATS Gives Back in 2020 as a way to show our support and bridge this gap in a meaningful way. Each month, we donate a radar speed sign to an agency in need— empowering them to promote public safety, make communities safer, and ultimately save lives.

ATS Gives Back Recipients

As of November 2023, 55 data-collecting radar speed signs were given to 54 law enforcement agencies. These donations contributed to the reduction in speeding, improved resource allocation, an increase in community safety, and public engagement.

“It has been a huge help in responding to residents notifications of speeding vehicles on their streets.”

Chief David Knull, Maple Park Police Department

“[the donated ATS radar speed sign] has helped to slow traffic in the areas it has been deployed, plus the data helps identify problem times and areas.”

Chief Matthew McCormack, Selma Police Department

“These signs have been tremendous! We have utilized them in nearly every facet we can think of”

Lieutenant Brandon Henderson, Camden County Sheriff’s Office

How do I apply for the program?

To help us identify the communities who have the most need, please apply now!  To apply, just download the application, fill it out, and email it to with any supporting attachments.
Selection criteria includes:
    • Small police departments who don’t typically qualify for grant funding or have the resources needed to complete the grant application process
    • Must be based in the USA
    • Must be able to deploy the donated sign within 60 days of receiving the shipment.

One submission will be selected every month. Those who are not selected at the end of each month will have the option to roll their application to the next month, edit their application, or withdraw their application.

“With the ATS Gives Back Program, we are committed to donating 1 sign per month to police departments who demonstrate need. It is our hope that this program will help local police departments slow speeds in their communities and make their job a little bit easier.”

Carrie Fedders


About All Traffic Solutions

All Traffic Solutions is the leading provider of portable and long-lasting radar speed and variable message signs that reduce speeding, collect traffic data, and share custom messages. Our signs can be easily managed remotely using our patented TraffiCloud® software. Proudly made in the USA, our traffic control solutions boast unrivaled durability. Backed by the industry’s leading warranty, you can trust in the reliability of our products for years to come.

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