1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!

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1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!


As the days get longer and temperatures rise, summer brings about a season of relaxation, adventure, and unfortunately, increased risks on the road. Referred to as the “100 Deadliest Days of Summer”, the period spanning from Memorial Day to Labor Day sees a spike in traffic accidents and fatalities across the United States. But why are these days so risky, and what is being done to ensure safer travels during this time?

What is the “100 Deadliest Days of Summer”?

The “100 Deadliest Days” name originates from statistical evidence that shows a drastic rise in fatal accidents involving teen drivers during the summer months. Between 2010 and 2019, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) reported more than 7,000 died from teen-related crashes during this season. With school out and more leisure time on their hands, young drivers often hit the road for trips with friends or outings to beaches and parties. Unfortunately, this increase in activity coincides with a lack of experience behind the wheel, making this demographic particularly vulnerable to accidents.

However, it’s not just teens who face heightened risks during this time. Factors such as increased vacation travel, more pedestrians and cyclists on the road, and higher instances of alcohol consumption all contribute to the spike in traffic crashes during the summer months.

Recognizing the significance of the 100 Deadliest Days is crucial for both individuals and communities. By understanding the risks associated with summer driving, everyone can take proactive measures to stay safe on the road. Whether it’s practicing defensive driving techniques, avoiding distractions, or being mindful of speed limits and traffic laws, every effort counts in preventing accidents and saving lives.

How Police Departments Promote Traffic Safety During the 100 Deadliest Days of Summer

Imagine a town gearing up for its annual summer event, drawing in crowds of visitors. With increased foot traffic, road closures, and congestion, local authorities like Townsend Police Department in Massachusetts turn to advanced traffic management solutions to maintain order and ensure the safety of residents. By utilizing their multipurpose radar message sign and trailer from All Traffic Solutions, law enforcement can not only effectively communicate information to drivers and manage traffic flow during the busy summer months but also collect data and manage their signs remotely. Sergeant Giles of the Townsend Police Department highlights, they use their trailer to “promote traffic safety initiatives and provide public announcements. We notify the public of NHTSA traffic safety campaigns, road construction [and] closures to keep our residents and visitors informed”.

While school may be out for the summer, ensuring the safety of school zones remains a top priority for communities such as Lindenhurst Police Department in Illinois. With children out playing and exploring their neighborhoods, it’s essential to maintain safe driving speeds and awareness in residential areas. All Traffic Solutions’ radar message signs and trailers help remind drivers to slow down in these zones, reducing the risk of accidents and creating a safer environment for children and families to enjoy their summer break. As Sergeant Myhra of the Lindenhurst Police Department notes, “The All Traffic Solutions signs have been utilized as community awareness tools informing residents of newly installed crosswalks and the upcoming start of the school year”.

Prioritize Safety This Summer

As we embrace the joys of summer, let’s remember to prioritize safety on the road. All Traffic Solutions is committed to supporting law enforcement agencies by providing a fast turnaround on our radar and message signs, to get them in time for the 100 Deadliest Days. With our solutions, agencies can reduce speeding, remotely create and share safety messages with high visibility, and collect traffic data to make data-driven decisions. By staying vigilant, informed, and equipped with the right tools and technology, we can navigate the 100 Deadliest Days with confidence and ensure a season filled with safe travels for all.

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