1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!

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1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!


All Traffic Solutions is excited to announce that we’ve been awarded a spot on the Virginia Sheriffs’ Association’s Heavy Equipment Procurement Program for 2020-2021 among 44 other dealers! With one of All Traffic Solutions’ two locations being in the state of Virginia, this one hits close to home for us. While the program is Virginia-based, it also allows agencies outside the state of Virginia to make purchases, as long as their states permit cooperative purchasing with which the contract is compliant. This inclusivity also extends to non-members of the Association, as well as all types of local departments and agencies—not just Sheriffs as the association name may seem to imply.

We are happy to have both radar feedback signs and variable message signs (VMS) on the Heavy Equipment Procurement Program, along with hitch mount, portable post, and trailer options for mounting and solar and battery options for power. It also has our cloud-based, remote management and analysis suite, TraffiCloud, available for purchase. Among our products on the contract are:

All Traffic Solutions is grateful that since being awarded this contract, we expanded to include products that also cater to Emergency Management and Fire departments, in addition to Sheriffs’ Offices and Police departments. We see a need for our products among all of these verticals, so we hope that contracts like these will become more widely used by Fire, EMS, and Emergency Management departments like we’ve seen with Law Enforcement. 

The VSA Heavy Equipment Procurement Program’s process of vetting dealers while allowing the purchasing procedure to remain direct makes this clear, simple program a win for everyone. For companies like us that take pride in our customer service and enjoy those we work with, VSA couldn’t be better because they allow us to maintain strong relationships and partnerships while making purchasing easier for our customers.

More information on purchasing options for All Traffic Solutions can be found here.

By Melissa Millis
Sales Support Specialist, All Traffic Solutions

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