1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!

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1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!

All Traffic Solutions open house Flags of Valor

by Christine Parisi
Business Development Manager
All Traffic Solutions

“Sell the problem you solve, not the product”— this quote recently inspired me. Sure, it’s what everyone in Sales aims to do— but I say there is no better deal closed than when you help your customers solve a problem.”

For those of us who live in the DC Metro area, I think it is more than safe to say that traffic is a definite problem. Honestly, that is putting it very nicely. Unfortunately, we can’t just snap our fingers and make it go away, but we can make it better, safer, and easier to manage. In doing so, we help those employed in the traffic and safety sector including municipalities, DoT’s, corporate campuses, and more. In this particular case of the Local Event, the “more” represented our customers who put their lives on the line every day, while also (somehow) finding time to deal with this issue we call traffic. More specifically DMV law enforcement.

Did you know, that an officer is required by law to respond to every traffic complaint their department receives? Now, I’m not saying that so you pick up the phone and dial in to complain about Mrs. Johnson’s son who drives like Jason Statham in Fast and Furious down your street on a daily basis, I’m making a point of just how time-consuming it is for law enforcement to investigate and respond to each and every one. And no offense, but Mrs. Johnson’s son probably isn’t driving that fast.

At All Traffic Solutions, it’s our job to make traffic enforcement easier, more efficient, and less of a drain on resources and budget. We manufacture those signs you see on the road displaying your speed (the white ones with a green ATS sticker on the back). Disclaimer: we are not issuing speeding tickets! We help law enforcement, municipalities and many others to manage their radar signs, message boards and other devices and collect accurate data for reporting remotely using our patented TraffiCloud cloud-based software.

Why We Decided to Host an Open House

The idea came from the fact that since we live in the DMV and work for a traffic technology company, it only made sense to invite them to the office for face-to-face conversations in a relaxed environment — with fun activities, training and meaningful prizes. More importantly, we wanted to hear directly from the source— the literal eyes and ears of our products who are deployed on the streets— on ways that we as a company can continue to improve.

Officers shared ways ATS helps them keep community roads safe, such as using our SpeedAlert speed trailers with TraffiCloud to resolve neighborhood speeding complaints faster and more efficiently. They also had suggestions for us on product features as well as ideas for future events.

Giveaways included ATS logo t-shirts retrofitted with the three flags representing the DMV, a handcrafted thin blue line American flag from the Flags of Valor in Ashburn, VA and a new ATS Shield 12 radar speed display sign with one year of TraffiCloud. We gave demos, showcased some new technology, and even playing a little football with one of our signs— durability testing, anyone? (PS, the sign was 100% not harmed)

The atmosphere was casual and there were smiles all around. Which brings me back to my original point: There is no better deal, “closed won” than seeing your product help a customer solve a problem. It was an honor to spend the day with members of local law enforcement who are out there on the front lines using our products. It was even more of an honor to hear how our products make their jobs better, safer and easier.


We hope this event was the first of many to come because all of our customers are truly worth a day of appreciation!

To close, here is a fun, 2-minute video featuring the durability of our products.

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