1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!

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1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!


Whether your organization is an airport, hospital, corporate enterprise or warehouse facility, no doubt you’re challenged with providing ample, safe, efficient parking facilities for those you serve, whether they are employees, students, residents or visitors.

Many elements contribute to the fact that parking management, notification and safety issues have become even more challenging in recent years. Do any of these scenarios sound familiar?

Parking Expansion—Not Always an Option

With both urban and suburban areas becoming more congested and commercial real estate rates continuing to climb, the need for optimized parking facilities has grown in importance. As organizations expand, they often find themselves hard-pressed to accommodate the accompanying increased need for parking spaces within the constraints of their existing available square footage. Even when additional square footage is available, it’s often cost prohibitive to build more parking lots and facilities.

Need for Round-the-clock Parking Availability, Safety and Data Collection

For airports and hospitals that operate 24/7, shopping malls that have expanded their operational hours to attract more business and logistics centers with day and night shiftwork, parking facilities management, optimization and safety is a round-the-clock priority, driving up parking and security personnel costs.

Parking Availability Not Optimized

The challenges for operations and parking security management are many. First, there’s the issue of optimizing existing parking availability so parkers can avoid circling and locate open spaces faster to minimize lot congestion. Existing “count-based” parking systems don’t account for premium space availability such as expectant mother and handicapped parking. As a result, too much time is spent circling and searching, which results in traffic congestion blocking entrances dedand spilling out onto the roadway, increased pollution and time lost for activities parkers are there to engage in (work, shopping, sporting events). This can negatively impact customer satisfaction.

Reduced Customer Satisfaction Due to Inadequate Signage

When parking entrances and other areas are not marked with clear directional signage, parkers may become confused about where they are expected to go; so they pause to consider their options which causing delays. During peak parking hours  this can result in lines forming at entrances and gates and, again, reduce customer satisfaction.

Insufficient Safety Due to Speeders

Speeding is always a significant issue for parking security, particularly in places like employee and airport parking, shopping malls during the holiday rush, or at any facility where people are hurrying to arrive at a destination, especially when pedestrians are present. Just as on the open road, motorists are not always cognizant of their travel speeds and need to be swiftly reminded before it’s too late.

Join us next week to learn about how cloud-based technology is paving the way for smarter, more efficient parking management practices, as we discuss solutions to these all-too-familiar, sometimes chaotic parking scenarios, .

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