1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!

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1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!

Show Us Your Sign Sumbissions

This year, we hosted our third annual “Show Us Your Sign” contest. We invited our customers to share videos of their ATS signs with us, and we showcased every entry on our Facebook page. The entry that garnered the most engagements won a free SpeedAlert 18 radar message sign!

Thank you to everyone who participated, and congratulations to our winners. Please enjoy viewing this year’s submissions.


First Place Winner: Addison Police Department 

Speed Busters: The Addison Police Department Tackles Speeding, Ensuring Neighborhood Safety and Citizens’ Concerns are Heard!

The Addison Police Department has 4 ATS signs that they use around their village in residential and arterial roadways to control speeding and share messages. In their submission, they resolve a speeding complaint in a residential area with their SpeedAlert 24 on an ATS 5:


Second Place Winner: Townsend Police Department 

Townsend Police Department Keeps Speeding in Check, One SpeedAlert 24 at a Time

The Townsend Police Department listens to citizen concerns and addresses reckless driving in the community by patrolling with their SpeedAlert 24:

“The Townsend Police Department utilizes our ATS trailer 365 days a year to promote traffic safety initiatives and provide public announcements … Since the purchase of the ATS trailer, our community has had a reduction of traffic complaints and motor vehicle crashes”


Third Place Winner: City of Rye Police Department 

Ouch, City of Rye Police Department Proves Signs Have Feelings, Too!

The City of Rye Police Department uses humor while demonstrating the resiliency of their ATS trailer. “Our trailer was pushed over by some of our lovely youths so we decide to make the best of it with making a video. The trailer is a solid piece of equipment and only had minor damage.”

Congratulations to our well-deserved winners! We appreciate everyone’s submissions and would like to continue sharing everyone’s creativity, in no particular order.



Village of Mamaroneck Police Department

Village of Mamaroneck Police Department Shows off Their Sign Messages

The Village of Mamaroneck Police Department said, “We use our signs to gather data on speeding, to confirm complaints. We also use our signs as message boards for events and road closures” and use their submission to prove just that!


Town of Springdale Police Department

The Town of Springdale Police Department Shares Messages They Use with Their Data-Collecting SpeedAlert Radar Message Trailers to Control and Calm Down Traffic

“We occasionally use [our signs] for advertising special events such as our National Night Out Celebrations. We use the reports generated to determine times and locations of speeding violations.”


American Fork Police Department

Shh, American Fork Police Department Makes Sure the Fire Department Sleep Well

“We mostly use our ATS sign to help with traffic calming in high problematic traffic areas.”


Canton Public Safety Department

The Canton Public Safety Department Shares One of their Messages Encouraging Compliance with the State’s New Distracted Driving Law

“The sign is used to warn motorists of roadway hazards,[and] utilized at community events to share important event information…” 


Wetzel County Office of Emergency Management

The Wetzel County Office of Emergency Management Shows Off One of their Entry Signs Welcoming Guests

“This week is our County Fair … we have the trailers out on the roadway to warn drivers of the parked cars and pedestrians and at the main gate by our command truck we have the hitch sign on our ATV with a welcome to the Fair message for the Public.” 


Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office – Emergency Management

The Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office – Emergency Management Shares a Few Messages They Use with their Signs to Communicate with their Community

“[We utilize] 2 InstAlert 24 signs to relay critical information to first responders and public [at] training events, areas of large gathering, safety checks, check in, staging and shelter information.”


Lindenhurst Police Department

Ahh, Watch the Lindenhurst Police Go!

Many officers with the Lindenhurst Police Department are fans of the television show, “The Office”. Their submission is a parody of an opening scene from the show! 

“The All Traffic Solutions signs have been utilized as community awareness tools informing residents of newly installed crosswalks and the upcoming start of the school year.”


Pine Creek Township Police Department

The Pine Creek Township Police Department Demonstrates One of the Many Ways They Use their Sign by Sharing This Year’s Night Out Bike Rodeo and Safety Course Set Up

“The Pine Creek Township Police Department has used their speed trailer sign for many types of events. The sign is frequently moved around to make drivers aware of their speed. We have used the sign to let motorists know about special events in our area …”


Rome City Marshals Office

Rome City Marshals Office Gives Thanks to ATS!

The Rome City Marshals Office received their SpeedAlert 18 radar message sign through our ATS Gives Back program! They graciously used their submission to give thanks to ATS and share how they have been using their sign for speed control at pedestrian crosswalks and traffic studies.


North Kingstown Police Department

The North Kingstown Police Department Shares Different Messages They Utilize in their Community

“The North Kingstown Police Department uses the message trailer for general speed enforcement, event messages (i.e. directions, parking, times etc.) and traffic surveys.”

Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office – Emergency Management

The Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office – Emergency Management Allows their Trailer to Give Its Perspective of Its Responsibilities

“Our All Traffic Solutions signs are essential to community safety. They guide event attendees, provide critical updates during emergencies, and assist in routine traffic control.”

About All Traffic Solutions

All Traffic Solutions is a leading provider of portable variable message and radar speed signs that are made in the USA. Since the company’s inception in 2000, ATS has helped over 6,000 government agencies, higher education institutions, and private sector organizations manage traffic, share information with the public, and improve overall safety. To learn more, visit www.alltrafficsolutions.com or follow All Traffic Solutions on Facebook or LinkedIn.

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