1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!

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1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!

ParkingCloud smart parking system dashboard All Traffic Solutions

Whether you’re buying one component of your parking availability and guidance solution for a single lot or garage, or building a system for your entire parking operation, you want it all. You want a solution with the highest accuracy levels, that’s easy to install, easy to implement and use, and easy to add on to as your needs change in the future. One that’s flexible enough to cost-effectively instrument and share information throughout your parking infrastructure—, at a price that’s affordable, that doesn’t require an engineering degree to implement, and that demonstrates strong positive ROI for your organization.

That’s a tall order, to be sure.

There are other smart parking “must-haves” as well:

Counting: Real-time availability and occupancy counts on a holistic level

Guidance: Direct parkers to available spaces and premium spots

Data: Having access to real-time and historical availability data provides insight for fast response, tracking and planning

Safety: Keeping parkers, pedestrians and vehicles safe is important for customer satisfaction and crucial to your operation

API: The ability to integrate with all your parking systems in real time is a game changer


Easy, affordable and accurate – the holy grail of smart parking solutions?

The quest for a robust yet simple parking system is not out of reach. You just need to know where to look.  ParkingCloud from All Traffic Solutions makes enterprise-grade parking availability and guidance accessible to everyone, regardless of size, type of facility or budget requirements.

  • Device-agnostic – you’re never locked into one vendor’s solution
  • Turnkey – you’re up and running in days, not months
  • Open platform – leverage your existing infrastructure and sensors
  • Real-time – up-to-the-minute data feeds to signs, apps, APIs or websites
  • Simple – everything in one location, accessible from one intuitive dashboard

If you’re fed up with trying to boil the ocean to achieve all that you need in your smart parking system, it’s time to step away from the stove. Easy is better.

For more information on All Traffic Solutions’ innovative smart parking solutions, contact us.

Visit our Smart Parking Solutions page.

Check out ParkingCloud NOW:  the world’s easiest and most accurate parking counting system

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