1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!

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1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!


Cathedral City Spirit of the Dead, Cathedral City, CA | 2007

From time to time, the City receives calls from people concerned about the number of vehicles speeding through their neighborhood streets. It can be difficult for traffic enforcement to assess the situation because, with the City’s limited resources, an officer cannot observe the streets involved for an extended period of time and they cannot be sure a speeder will drive by when they are in the area investigating the potential problem.

Enter the City’s new SPEEDsentry Radar Sign. The sign can be mounted on a street light or other secure pole. The sign displays a vehicle’s speed as it approaches and keeps a log of the speed, the time and the date.

This is valuable information for traffic control to determine if there really is a speeding problem on a particular street and, if there are speeders, to determine any patterns or peak times, so that they can schedule an effective traffic enforcement inspection.

In addition, the speed read out on the sign can have a speed calming effect as drivers see how fast they are going, helping to solve the problem.

The SPEEDsentry in the Century Park area for seven days (Oct. 25 – 31) on Brookview Way, between Sterling Road and Kenwood Drive. This is an area where the City has received ongoing complaints about speeding motorists. The speed limit in this area is 25 MPH. There were 2,909 radar reading during the test period. Of these, the SPEEDsentry log showed that about 90% of vehicles drove under 30 MPH down the street. 131 vehicles (4.5%) drove between 31 and 40 MPH. 4 cars (.13%) or 1 of every 727 vehicles drove between 41 and 50 MPH. half of these higher speed incidents occurred. No one drove over 50 MPH.

The SPEEDsentry would not stay in any one neighborhood for an extended time, but be moved around to check out potential speeding problems all around Cathedral City.

Direct all media inquiries to:
Lori Miles
All Traffic Solutions Marketing Manager
Calder Square, PO Box 10085
State College, PA 16805-0085
814-237-9005 Ext. 205

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