1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!

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1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!


Yourmoontwp.com, Pittsburgh, PA | Jun 23, 2004

Some new electronic devices are helping to slow down drivers in Moon Township. Three SPEEDsentry monitoring devices were recently purchased by the township and installed on roadways throughout the area. SPEEDsentrys can perform a variety of functions, such as tracking vehicle speeds and providing traffic study data such as vehicle counts, recording average and maximum speeds and the time of day speeding occurs.

All of the data collected can then be downloaded on a computer and presented in the form of charts and graphs.

In contrast to other similar electronic trailers, the SPEEDsentry monitors can be mounted on utility poles or a speed limit signs and do not obstruct a driver’s view.

A $11,950 grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Affairs, paid the cost of the devices.

Captain Leo McCarthy, of Moon Township Police Department, said the devices have been extremely successful thus far.

“Neighbors watch and see vehicles typically approach the signs 10 to 15 m.p.h. over the speed limit and then reduce their speed when they see the sign flash,” he said.

“This causes drivers to pay more attention and reduce their speed. I’m very happy with their effectiveness.”

The SPEEDsentry purchases are part of an increased overall effort by the Moon Township Police Department to reduce the number of speeding drivers in the community.

A recent traffic study conducted by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) this year determined speeding and traveling two fast for conditions were the primary contributing factors to crashes on Flaugherty Run Road, which has been the scene of 18 fatal accidents since Jan. 2000.

A large safety banner may also be purchased which will be placed across Flaugherty Run Road.

Direct all media inquiries to:
Lori Miles
All Traffic Solutions Marketing Manager
Calder Square, PO Box 10085
State College, PA 16805-0085
814-237-9005 Ext. 205

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