1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!

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1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!


The Citizen, Auburn, NY | March 10, 2004

Just over a week ago, the town placed its two $3,800 SPEEDsentry signs back along Route 38A after a winter hiatus. The portable radar signs, which mount onto traffic signs, display the passing driver’s speed.

The town purchased the signs in hopes of slowing down traffic passing through the town.

“It seems to have helped,” said Deputy Town Supervisor J. Patrick Doyle, who expects the signs to remain outside until next winter.

He recalls setting up some distance away and watching cars approach the signs. “Nine out of 10 put the brake lights on,” he said.

Most importantly, Doyle has heard positive feedback from some residents.

The northbound sign is just past the White Bridge. The southbound sign is just outside the Auburn city limit. In the future, the signs will be placed at different spots in the town. The manufacturers have stressed that moving them around will make them more effective.

“Coming soon to a neighborhood near you,” Doyle said.

He said the signs were especially important now that the White Bridge had been temporarily closed. He expected some drivers to detour through the town.

Doyle said the signs, which record the traffic count, and speeds, proved their worth in a 30-mph zone on Route 38A. From Dec. 8-12, soundbound traffic was clocked at 30.4 mph, northbound traffic at 31.8 mph.

In addition to the difficulty in maintaining the signs with nearby roadside snow drifts, Doyle said taking the signs down in the winter made sense.

“Not many people are going 60 mph on icy roads,” he said.

Contracting with the Cayuga County Sheriff’s Department for some traffic patrols is the town’s next step to discourage speeding.

The second step

LEDYARD – Town residents who came out to the first community visioning meeting in mid-February got to help shape the town’s future by talking with county planners. If you missed out last time, Thursday’s meeting is your chance to have an impact before the comprehensive plan enters its infancy.

“The public is going to do more than we are,” said Amy D’Angelo, from the Cayuga County Planning and Development Department. “It’s up to them to fine tune it.”

At the upcoming meeting, D’Angelo said they will present value and goal statements based on information gathered from the last meeting.

Many residents find the town’s rural character, open spaces, wildlife, peacefulness and geology to be its most appealing traits. This meeting is important for those who might want to see some more development.

D’Angelo said success is measured by the amount of public involvement.

The public visioning meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Thursday, at the Ledyard Town Hall at 1099 Poplar Ridge Road in Aurora.

Staff writer Rob Varley can be reached at 253-5311 ext. 282 or rvarley@lee.net

Direct all media inquiries to:
Lori Miles
All Traffic Solutions Marketing Manager
Calder Square, PO Box 10085
State College, PA 16805-0085
814-237-9005 Ext. 205

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