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Need radar speed signs or message signs ASAP? We can fulfill urgent requests.


All Traffic Solutions, a leader in innovative connected parking technologies that leverage the Cloud platform and the IoT (Internet of Things) to provide the most accurate, cost-effective turnkey solutions, has released a new white paper for parking professionals titled How to Achieve “Availability Certainty” Using Connected Parking Systems and Real-time Data.

The white paper focuses on how parking professionals can optimize their parking operations by adopting a cloud-based, data-driven approach to parking availability and guidance in order to overcome the many challenges associated with the reactive, resource-intensive tactics employed by many parking operations. The paper provides proven strategies organizations can use to build their business case for real-time parking availability and guidance.

In this free guide, professionals in the parking industry will learn how accurate, real-time, vehicle counts can help them:

  • Understand the true utilization and availability of garages, lots and street parking
  • Implement effective, convenient parking guidance solutions using conditional signage, apps, website, SMS and social media
  • Maximize revenue by implementing dynamic pricing based on true current demand
  • Gain insight into how their parking organization and infrastructure are functioning and changing to inform future planning
  • Positively impact productivity, safety and traffic flow with the IoT and real-time data

In addition, by reading All Traffic Solutions’ latest white paper, parking professionals can learn how to build their strong business case for real-time availability and guidance solutions and ensure that their operations will include the next generation of technology enhancements for maximum flexibility, cost effectiveness and efficiency.

Those who wish to download the white paper may do so here.

For more information on All Traffic Solutions’ ParkingCloud parking availability and guidance solutions visit their website.

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