1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!

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1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!


Westside News, Spencerport, NY | 2005

AAA Western and Central New York recognized the Village of Brockport Police Department for their success in AAA’s Community Traffic Safety Program. A presentation was made to Chief Daniel Varrenti at AAA’s Annual Adult School Crossing Guard Recognition Breakfast held June 29.

AAA’s Community Traffic Safety Program is an awards and recognition program for communities of all sizes nationwide that identify and address local traffic safety issues. The program considers basic crash statistics, presence of a traffic safety leadership group, projects and their measured effectiveness.

Brockport received top honors, a Platinum Award in the program. Platinum Awards are given to communities that not only demonstrate effectiveness in addressing local traffic safety issues, but demonstrate a clear trend of improvement over five years or provide data that is substantially better than the statewide data for communities of similar size.

“This community has shown incredible leadership in developing workable solutions that have saved lives and property,” said Wallace D. Smith, vice president of AAA western and central New York.

The village demonstrated success with programs addressing impaired driving, occupant protection, pedestrian safety and aggressive driving. Their high percentage of seat belt use and low rate of vehicle occupant injuries made them eligible for top Platinum honors.

Direct all media inquiries to:

Lori Miles
All Traffic Solutions Marketing Manager
Calder Square, PO Box 10085
State College, PA 16805-0085
814-237-9005 Ext. 205

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