1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!

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1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!


CHANTILLY, Va. – May 10, 2022 All Traffic Solutions awarded Shield 12 radar speed signs to Laurel Springs Police Department in New Jersey and Chilkat Indian Village in Alaska through the company’s ATS Gives Back initiative. 

Over the years, All Traffic Solutions found that smaller communities have a need for All Traffic Solutions signs but lack the necessary funds and do not qualify for grants. The ATS Gives Back goal is to bridge this gap by donating radar speed signs to communities in need each month. ATS Gives Back recipients also receive a subscription to TraffiCloud®, All Traffic Solutions’ web-based remote management platform. 

Laurel Springs Police Department serves a small borough of 1,908 citizens in Camden County, New Jersey. With only seven sworn officers, Laurel Springs Police Department plans to use the data collected by their new radar speed sign to assist with prioritizing enforcement across their borough. The Shield 12 sign will also be used to help slow down drivers around Laurel Springs Elementary School to protect children and pedestrians. 

“I would like to thank All Traffic Solutions for their consideration and our department being awarded a speed sign under the ATS Gives Back program. This speed sign will equip us to collect traffic and speed data and enable us to prioritize traffic enforcement where it is needed most. It will also alert drivers to their speed, and slow them down, which will enhance the safety our community and the children in our walking school district.” said Sergeant Harrison Lickfield of Laurel Spring Police Department. 

Chilkat Indian Village is a small village in rural Alaska. They have one paved road, Chilkat Avenue, that has no sidewalks. This means that drivers, pedestrians, and children all share the road. The tribe has zero law enforcement presence in the area and only has one Shield 12 sign to help reduce speeding on Chilkat Avenue in one direction. The Shield 12 sign they received through ATS Gives Back will remind drivers going in the other direction of Chilkat Avenue to slow down. 

“There is one paved road (Chilkat Avenue) that has always been of concern for speeding vehicles in the village. There are no sidewalks on Chilkat Avenue, so pedestrians and drivers have no choice but to share the road. Our children also play on this road…because that’s what kids do. Being the only paved road, this device will add an extra layer of safety for our pedestrians and children playing in the street.” said Transportation Director Christopher Hotch. 

You can nominate a department and learn more about the ATS Gives Back criteria by visiting the All Traffic Solutions website.

About All Traffic Solutions

All Traffic Solutions (ATS) is a leader in portable, durable products and web-based solutions for traffic management and safety. We help law enforcement agencies and municipalities use data and devices such as web-enabled radar speed displays and variable message signs to calm traffic, resolve complaints, and improve safety outcomes while maximizing resources and budget. For more information, visit https://www.alltrafficsolutions.com.

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