1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!

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1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!


Each month the All Traffic Solutions Gives Back team selects two winners to receive radar feedback signs. Over the last 20 years, ATS found that police departments in smaller communities have a need for ATS signs, but lack the budget needed and do not qualify for grants. The ATS Gives Back goal is to bridge the gap.

Pine Hill Police Department, NJ, and Calverton Park Police Department, MO, both demonstrated their genuine care for their community in the applications that were submitted for consideration. They are both focused on keeping pedestrians safe in areas with higher traffic while also assuring that speeding complaints are resolved with proper patrolling or other enforcement.

Pine Hill PD demonstrated their cooperation with the entire community in their application by including community bulletins made by the Police Department on safety related to driving. Their application expressed the importance of using the SpeedAlert 18 near schools.

“This gift will help us in providing our residents with safer routes to travel, especially our children walking to and from school. This could not have come at a better time for us,” said Sergeant Tim McElroy, Pine Hill PD.

The second October 2020 recipient, Calverton Park PD, has recently seen speeding increase and a 115% increase in accidents in the past year. With many residents who rely on public transportation, speeding poses a threat to pedestrians in the small community.

Knowing their community well, Calverton Park PD has already identified three possible placements for the Shield 12 Radar Speed Sign, including a four-lane, non-divided highway that averages 15,000 vehicles per day and has pedestrian sidewalks. While this road is right outside the community, the other two roads they have in mind are the most traveled within the community. While traffic safety is a high priority, high crime rates mean that using manpower to patrol speeding areas where other methods may work is taking away from other high priority efforts.

“This technology will certainly assist our department in focusing our efforts on areas where we are seeing the most dangerous speeds, and ultimately keeping the neighborhoods of Calverton Park safer for residents. Thank you All Traffic Solutions, for this community-focused donation, and continued partnership with the Calverton Park Police Department,” said Corporal Chris Robertson, Calverton Park PD.

Congratulations to these two agencies for exemplary dedication to safety in their community!

You can nominate a department and learn more about the ATS Gives Back criteria by visiting the All Traffic Solutions website.

About All Traffic Solutions
All Traffic Solutions (ATS) is a leader in traffic safety and data analytics for Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) and smart parking applications. We help law enforcement, municipal agencies and commercial organizations use data and cloud-supported devices such as web-enabled radar speed displays, conditional messaging technology, and lidar technology to calm traffic, optimize parking availability, share notifications, and improve traffic safety— while maximizing resources and budget. For more information, visit https://www.alltrafficsolutions.com.

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