1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!

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1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!


State College, PA – May 15, 2009

The Law Enforcement Challenge is a competition among similar sizes and types of law enforcement agencies in which departments are recognized for their traffic safety efforts. It is coordinated by the International Chiefs of Police (IACP) and is supported by a grant from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and funding from private entities.

Along with the IACP & NHTSA, All Traffic Solutions believes an increase in traffic enforcement and education in a community results in a decrease in motor vehicle crashes, injuries and fatalities. To back up this belief, All Traffic Solutions is currently a major contributor to the National Law Enforcement Challenge and a proud sponsor of numerous State LEC events. The goal is to participate in every LEC across the country.

All Traffic Solutions has awarded donations to each state level challenge of its all-new SPEEDsentry® Shield radar speeddisplay with data analysis, violator strobe and wireless PDA. ATS sponsors the National Law Enforcement Challenge by donating an instALERT® variable message board with hitch-mount and wireless PDA.

“This donation from All Traffic Solutions will greatly assist a deserving agency in continuing their highway safety efforts”. ~ Mr. Ricky Rich, Chair of the National Law Enforcement Challenge.

Being recognized as a winner brings a great deal of positive attention to a department, possible benefits at budget time and enhances an agency’s reputation as an innovative department that prioritizes safety. All Traffic Solutions is glad to have the opportunity to support these achievements.

Direct all media inquiries to:

Lori Miles
All Traffic Solutions Marketing Manager
Calder Square, PO Box 10085
State College, PA 16805-0085
814-237-9005 Ext. 205

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