1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!

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1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!


Traffic safety leader joins National Safety Council’s campaign to eliminate road casualties.

All Traffic Solutions (ATS) has joined the journey on the Road to Zero by becoming a member of the National Safety Council (NSC).

The Road to Zero campaign, led by the NSC, looks to eliminate traffic fatalities by 2050 and ATS takes a leading role in development of the safety solutions and data analytics that, it is hoped, will help to achieve that aim.

ATS joins the NSC at a time when road-related casualties remain the subject of national concern. Motor vehicle crashes are the single biggest cause of unintentional injury deaths in the US — and, although our roads are at their safest by comparison with other periods in our history, we still saw 35,560 people killed on the roads in 2018.

ATS’ technology can help keep casualties down and reduce them further, whether by sharing real-time safety messages with road users, encouraging compliance with speed limits and other rules of the road, detecting wrong-way drivers or flooded roads, and by providing the evidential data that leads to safer road design and optimized enforcement.

The company places safety at the center of its development philosophy. It works very closely with customers and partners to identify and address safety issues, and looks to protect road operatives and road users by addressing safety from all angles.

ATS develops effective solutions that help law enforcement, municipalities, state and local DOTs, traffic safety and community organizations address unsafe driving, and provide real-time alerts of incidents and road conditions; it also ensures that those solutions are intrinsically safer in operation. So, they use little power, enabling greater self-sufficiency or reducing the numbers of times that operatives have to attend at the roadside to change sources. They are simple to set up and Cloud-enabled, which enables remote monitoring and operation, and further reduces the time operatives spend in proximity to live traffic lanes.

“We’ve become a member of an organization which has for over a century worked tirelessly to promote safety in all aspects of life. Not only does that underline that we’re on the same path; it ties us even closer to a safety campaign that is of national scale,” says ATS’ CEO Andy Souders.

“We simply have to address a problem that kills hundreds of people every week. The Road to Zero campaign plants a flag in the sand. It says ‘enough is enough’ and provides a clear target to aim for — it’s precisely what we all need to turn aspiration into reality.”

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