1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!

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1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!


At this year’s NPA Conference & Expo, transportation innovator All Traffic Solutions (ATS) made a strong case for open data systems and data accuracy. The use of these to deliver transformational improvements in an ever-evolving age of mobility was a key theme of the 2019 event.

The Herndon, VA-based company showcased its cloud-based parking solutions. These help to deliver the increasing range of new transportation services that will transform communities’ and individuals’ mobility choices. In particular, they will help to solve the increasing competition for both parking space and curb space brought about by ridesharing and to-the-door delivery services for consumer goods and restaurant food.

Rising vehicle numbers and increasing congestion mean that space for parking is already at a premium. However, consumers have grown used to ever-greater levels of personal convenience. The growing use of ride-sharing services and home deliveries by companies such as Amazon and DoorDash mean that the pressures will only increase.

To address these trends, parking operators need a real-time picture of parking availability that is accurate down to the individual space. They also need to be able to direct road users to the nearest available or most convenient parking spaces.

ATS’ answer is to combine the industry’s best-performing traffic counting technology with ParkingCloud™. This single data platform solution provides parking operators with one central dashboard that addresses all of their needs — both real-time operations and data analytics for performance monitoring.

The result is a solution that minimizes wasted travel and maximizes the use of available capacity — by providing dependable parking information to those who need it, it reduces congestion and pollution, and significantly improves the journey experience.

A major feature of ParkingCloud™ is that it is technology-agnostic. This means it can work with any supplier’s counting technology as well as other systems. As a result, parking operators can readily benefit from moving their data effort into the cloud without worrying about the sunk cost of legacy systems.

“If parking is to evolve to help deliver many of these new Mobility-as-a-Service needs, operators are going to have to become far more flexible,” says Andy Souders, ATS CEO. “Moving their data efforts into the Cloud and using open platforms enables them to do just that, and at a realistic cost that offers a very good return on investment.

“The future need not be complicated or cost billions and we were able to demonstrate how ParkingCloud — which is already providing excellent service with many high-profile customers across the US — can achieve these goals.”



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