1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!

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1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!


Case study reveals how the Montgomery County Police Department calms traffic and saves money by deploying SpeedAlert 24 cloud-based radar message displays


All Traffic Solutions, a leader in smart parking and transportation technology, published a new case study that explains how the Montgomery County Department of Police (MCPD) successfully met the challenge of improving road safety by making SpeedAlert 24 radar message displays from ATS an important component of its traffic calming strategy.

MCPD replaced its old message trailers, which only told drivers how fast they were traveling, with portable SpeedAlert 24 radar message displays mounted on lightweight, easy-to-move ATS 5 Trailers. In addition to displaying and recording driver speeds, the SpeedAlert 24 radar message displays function as both speed and variable message signs, and provide valuable data that the MCPD uses to clear complaints and calm traffic. The Department was also able to reduce monthly maintenance fees paid to the transportation department by half.

The case study also describes how the MCPD utilizes the ATS TraffiCloud™ remote management system to access and download easy-to-understand traffic speed and volume reports in real time from any Internet connection to measure average speeds, track trends, prioritize enforcement and address citizen complaints.

Download the complete case study.

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