1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!

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1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!


HERNDON, Va. – JANUARY 7, 2021 The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) has added the Shield 12 and Shield 15 radar speed signs from traffic safety and data analytics leader All Traffic Solutions to its Qualified Traffic Control Equipment (QTCE) list. 

The list provides guidance on traffic control devices, traffic signal components, and other roadway safety products that are approved for use on State Highway and other MassDOT projects. When evaluating products for inclusion in the list, MassDOT considers whether the product: fits a current need that exists on streets and highways within the state, meets current industry standards, offers additional benefits in comparison to products already on the list, and whether other roadway owners are satisfied with the product’s performance.

“The Massachusetts Department of Transportation – Highway Division, Qualified Traffic Control Equipment Committee has reviewed and approved All Traffic Solutions Radar Shield Signs for use on State Highway and other MassDOT Project. They will be included on the Speed Display Signs list under Section 824: Flashing Beacons, Illuminated Warning Signs and Lighted Barrier Arrows of the MassDOT Qualified Traffic Control Equipment List.” stated the Massachusetts Department of Transportation.

All Traffic Solutions products are engineered and manufactured at a State College, Pennsylvania production facility using durable materials made in the United States, in compliance with the Buy America Act and the Buy American Act. The Shield 12 and Shield 15 were awarded a certificate of calibration by an accredited third-party testing house when test results determined that the signs perform accurately in a variety of environmental conditions.

The Shield 12 and 15 signs can be used as part of traffic calming and safety strategies designed to address prevailing conditions in real time. Their portability, durability and patented TraffiCloud web-based connectivity make them ideal for resolving traffic complaints, conducting traffic surveys and very quickly generating highly detailed ready-made traffic data reports.

The Shield 12 and Shield 15 therefore not only contribute to safety improvements in the moment; they help DOTs and other agencies to better understand how their road networks operate and to plan how to improve conditions and save even more lives into the future.

All Traffic Solutions is proud to be a partner with MassDOT to help support their transportation projects and goals of the Commonwealth. 

“We are proud to be added to MassDOT’s Qualified Traffic Control Equipment List,” says All Traffic Solutions CEO Andy Souders. “MassDOT’s inclusion of our product underlines the quality, performance, durability, and value of our products. We appreciate their leadership in moving towards realizing Vision Zero – the eradication of road casualties caused by speeding and unsafe driving.”

About All Traffic Solutions

All Traffic Solutions (ATS) is a leader in traffic safety and data analytics for Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) and smart parking applications. We help law enforcement, municipal agencies and commercial organizations use data and cloud-supported devices such as web-enabled radar speed displays, conditional messaging technology, and lidar technology to calm traffic, optimize parking availability, share notifications, and improve traffic safety— while maximizing resources and budget. All Traffic Solutions products are made in the USA at a production facility located in State College, PA. For more information, visit http://www.alltrafficsolutions.com.

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