1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!

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1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!


State College, PA– September 2013 – All Traffic Solutions today announced its DriveTimes app that extends the capability of its cloud-based traffic management solution.  DriveTimes allows display of travel times for custom routes to be updated constantly on any All Traffic Solutions variable message signs, anywhere, without the need for any fixed speed sensing infrastructure.  This feature allows DOTs, law enforcement, emergency management and even event venues to deploy very sophisticated communication tools at a fraction of the cost and complexity of previous alternatives, making it viable for fixed, mobile or spontaneous use.

Some of the benefits include;

  • Display “Time to Destination” over interstate, urban or rural routes.
  • Dynamically recommend alternate routes based on travel time thresholds
  • Point and click route configuration eliminates reliance on roadside sensor infrastructure.
  • Connected product platform requires no complicated systems integration or IT support.

DriveTimes delivers its unique advantages by embedding specialized traffic data from TomTom within All Traffic Solutions’ industry-leading connected product platform to radically reduce the complexity and cost for customers to design and maintain an advanced, dynamic, time-to-destination message system.  Ted Graef, President of All Traffic Solutions says “we chose TomTom as our data source because theirs is uniquely vehicle-centric and accurate not just on primary travel routes, but also in the urban and rural areas.  This allowed us to build a more effective solution that could inform decisions before drivers reach high volume problem areas.”

“This collaboration makes TomTom’s traffic data more accessible to a broader range of users and we are pleased to be a trusted partner of such an innovative company as ATS” says Ralf-Peter Schäfer, Head of Traffic at TomTom. “It will definitely open new ways to approach potential users and we are happy to give them access to our world-class traffic information”.

Any customer with message signs purchased since October of 2010 can take advantage of the new DriveTimes app because those signs are web enabled and can be remotely upgraded.  The configuration is user friendly, making it practical for organizations of all sizes to deploy while conserving resources for other higher value needs. For more details or to upgrade your equipment, contact All Traffic Solutions at 866-366-6602 or sales@alltrafficsolutions.com.

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