1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!

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1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!


Herndon, VA — All Traffic Solutions, the leader in cloud-based traffic management solutions for law enforcement, transportation and smart cities,  presents a free on-demand webinar for parking and facilities professionals titled How Technology, Data and IoT are Redefining Parking Facilities Management. Host John Fagan, parking industry expert and Director of Parking and Transportation for All Traffic Solutions shares how cloud-based parking solutions can successfully address parking management challenges related to parking availability, wayfinding, parker notifications and traffic safety for parkers and pedestrians.  

Topics include:

  • How to  employ the latest in parking technology at any organization or municipality
  • How to implement a parking counting system with over 98% accuracy, without cutting into cement, asphalt or gravel lots
  • How technology and data analytics fit together and how to utilize them to achieve greater efficiencies, improve parker satisfaction and increase safety in and around parking facilities
  • Proven tactics and strategies organizations can implement immediately to achieve better parking outcomes, now and in the future

To view this informative presentation, visit the All Traffic Solutions website.

To learn more about TraffiCloudTM, All Traffic Solutions’ cloud-based ecosystem that allows users to remotely manage traffic and parking devices as well as data from anywhere, go to https://www.alltrafficsolutions.com/solutions/trafficloud.

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