1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!

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1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!


At Booth 3817 at this year’s IACP Conference and Exposition (October 26-29, Chicago, IL), All Traffic Solutions (ATS) will be showcasing how the right technology can improve efficiencies, maximize budgets and — most importantly — reduce traffic incidents and save lives.

The company has been a trusted partner to law enforcement agencies and road safety organizations for over two decades, helping to reduce high-risk speeding by 10% or more and to slow traffic in school zones by as much as 85%.

Visitors can learn how ATS’s cloud-based products can help to progress traffic and safety initiatives by viewing a demo of ATS TraffiCloud. The new FloodAlert detection and notification system, which uses ultrasound or laser to detect rising water levels in flood-prone areas, will be on show for the first time. FloodAlert enables law enforcement agencies to take a more proactive stance on traveler safety management.

Also on display will be ATS’s ultra-portable SpeedAlert trailer, as well as InstAlert 24, the traffic market’s only foldable message sign. These solutions enable agencies to be highly adaptable, activating safety and informational strategies across large geographical areas as public threats emerge. The real-time data collection capabilities of the portable Shield radar speed sign and ready-made speed and volume reports from TraffiCloud, meanwhile, allow speeding complaints to be resolved far more quickly.

There will also be a raffle and the chance to win one of two wooden Thin Blue Line flags from veteran-owned and operated organization Flags of Valor.

“Technology has a vital role to play in helping us move towards Vision Zero — the total absence of road casualties. It can certainly play a major part in leveraging often limited budgets and resources to achieve more. ATS constantly looks for ways to innovate and we actively engage with the law enforcement community. Working together, we can better define the solutions that will be game-changers in terms of road safety. As a result, we’ve consistently been first to market with new ideas. FloodAlert is a fine example,” says Andy Souders, ATS’s President and CEO.

“We’ve participated at the IACP show for more than a decade now. It’s always a great opportunity for us to meet with our highly valued customers and validate how our solutions are helping to solve their problems.

“We get to understand better what they need to make their work easier and save lives and to show them what’s just arrived or is just around the corner. So, we’re very much looking forward to another opportunity to discuss how we can work together to make our communities safer places in which to live, work and travel.”

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