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Accurate Parking Counts, Blog

Why Accurate Parking Availability is a Must-Have


accurate parking availability counts are a must-have


Whether you manage parking facilities for a commercial parking operator, university, corporate campus or airport, immediate access to real-time parking availability is a must-have for maximum revenue, productivity and customer satisfaction. Attaining 99+% accuracy levels is not only possible, but the technology can be cost-effective and easy to deploy quickly. For parking professionals looking to reduce congestion, circling and emissions, increase customer satisfaction and employee productivity, optimize utilization, implement demand-based pricing, and maximize revenue, you can deploy cost-effective and easy-to-use technology and provide real-time benefits.  

Bad Accuracy Data Affects Everything 

Your parking operation is adversely affected when you don’t have real-time availability data. Manually counting open spaces in your parking garage or on surface lots is ineffective and produces inaccuracies that have many repercussions. Let’s look at why tracking parking occupancy is important.

Why is real-time occupancy data so important? To answer that question, let’s look at a situation typical of an organization that does not have accurate availability counts.

Let’s say you’re a university with on-street and off-street parking facilities.  You probably have high-volume areas where it’s difficult to find parking. As a result, students and faculty must circle for open spots, which makes them late for class, and in turn, makes them unhappy. The parking situation could even affect their decision to return the following year. All those idling and circling vehicles create greenhouse gas emissions. Word gets out about your parking issues and lack of green parking initiatives, which hurts commuter enrollment. Circling and waiting in line to park cause congestion on streets and in garages and surface lots. That congestion, in turn, creates traffic problems and safety issues for the community.

The Solution 

With real-time parking availability counts you can:

  • Push availability information immediately to signage, your parking app and social media to guide parkers to open spaces faster
  • Get faculty and students into their seats quickly and efficiently
  • Base work or class schedules on parking occupancy patterns and locations
  • Implement pricing strategies based on understanding peaks and valleys in parking demand
  • Leverage availability data for long-term planning

The good news is you can make simple changes to dramatically improve the accuracy of your parking occupancy data and make parking better for everyone. If you want to learn how to do that, we’d love to talk with you. 





Blog, Parking Lot Blog

A Smart Solution for Real-time Parking Accuracy



With everyone from commercial operators and municipalities to colleges, universities and airports working to optimize operations, “smart parking” solutions can be a game changer. For parking professionals looking to reduce congestion, circling and emissions, increase customer satisfaction, optimize utilization, build yield-driven pricing strategies, increase safety and improve enforcement, deploying technology-driven solutions that cost-effectively provide real-time benefits opens whole new worlds.  

The Importance of Real-time Parking Accuracy Data

Your parking operation is adversely affected when you don’t have real-time availability data. Manually counting open spaces in your parking garage or on surface lots is ineffective and produces inaccuracies that have many repercussions. Let’s look at why tracking parking occupancy is important and the new parking counting system that gives you real-time parking availability counts with over 98% accuracy levels.

Why is real-time occupancy data so important? With real-time parking availability counts you can:

  • Send availability information to variable message signs in garages, lots and around your city to guide parkers to open spaces faster
  • Utilize historical parking count data to spot trends and anomalies so you can take action
  • Leverage availability data for long-term planning

For example, if you are a town with on-street and off-street parking facilities, you probably have high-volume areas where it’s difficult to find parking. As a result, drivers must circle for open spots, which makes them late for work, unable to shop and conduct business—and that makes drivers and businesses unhappy. Circling and waiting in line also cause congestion on streets and in garages and surface lots. That congestion, in turn, creates traffic problems and safety issues.

A Smart Solution is Plug-and-Play

One solution is to install a ParkTrak plug-and-play counting system from All Traffic Solutions. ParkTrak uses laser technology to precisely count vehicles with over 98% accuracy.  With ParkTrak, you can generate accurate availability counts and send that real-time information to your signs, apps, websites and more. 


ParkTrak is better than loops or cameras:

  • Mounts overhead or on a pole—no cutting up the cement, gravel or asphalt
  • Installs in under one day with no interruption to parkers
  • Easy to set up—just mount, point, and set directional ranges for vehicle detection. The audible beep tells you ParkTrak is detecting and ready to go!
  • Uses directional logic to detect tailgating vehicles, back-ups, vehicles entering/exiting the wrong way—even pedestrians, bikes and carts (Loops and cameras can’t do that!)

ParkTrak comes pre-configured for ParkingCloud™ so you have real-time access to data and analytics, including parking usage and availability reports, and can push information to wherever you need it. It can also integrate with other systems you’re already using.

If you would like to learn how ParkTrak can help you optimize your parking availability and guidance solutions, an ATS parking solutions expert is happy to assist you.





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