1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!

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1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!


CHANTILLY, Va. – May 8, 2023 All Traffic Solutions (ATS) awarded a Shield 12 radar speed sign to Madison Township Police Department in Michigan through the company’s ATS Gives Back initiative.

All Traffic Solutions is committed to creating safe streets and neighborhoods across the country with their products and software. Over the years, ATS found that police departments in smaller communities have a need for All Traffic Solutions signs but lack the necessary funds and do not qualify for grants. The ATS Gives Back goal is to bridge this gap by donating a radar speed sign to a community in need each month. ATS Gives Back recipients also receive a subscription to TraffiCloud®, All Traffic Solutions’ patented remote traffic device and data management system.

Madison Township, nestled between the vibrant cities of Ann Arbor and Toledo, is a quiet suburb in Lenawee County, Michigan. This police department of six sworn officers applied to the ATS Gives Back program with the goal of gathering valuable traffic data that could be used to maximize their time and resources.

Madison Township Police Department has made great strides in traffic safety with their new Shield 12 radar speed sign. Lieutenant David Genter noted This sign has helped gather much-needed data to provide to our board. The numbers of vehicles that travel through our area can actually be seen with actual numbers. The data we have received has also helped us by prioritizing our officers to be in certain areas to educate and enforce speed laws.” 

You can nominate a department and learn more about the ATS Gives Back criteria by visiting the All Traffic Solutions website.

About All Traffic Solutions

All Traffic Solutions is a leading provider of portable variable message and radar speed signs. Our USA-made traffic safety devices and web-based remote management software help share information, reduce speeding, collect traffic data, and improve safety outcomes while saving time and maximizing resources. For more information, visit https://www.alltrafficsolutions.com.

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