1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!

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1-2 Week Turnaround* on Radar Speed & Message Signs – We Deliver Fast!


Accurate, reliable, traffic management for the modern community

Connected Traffic Solutions to Keep Your Residents and Visitors Safe

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Learn How Communities Use ATS For:

Incorporate data into messages displayed on portable message signs.

Alert drivers to the best exit strategies to avoid downstream congestion

Up-to-the-minute travel times for custom routes

Manage devices, collect data, and view reports all in one place

Monitor and manage traffic flow throughout your purview

Ready to hear about more solutions?

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Conditional Sensor Messaging

Tell the public what it needs to know, when and where it needs to know it. Incorporate sensor or network data into messages displayed on portable variable message signs.

  • Display items such as time to destination, road surface or air temperatures, timer values, wait times, weather or emergency notifications, vehicle weights, available parking spaces and more from a variety of device sensors.
  • Information can include digital inputs, analog inputs or serial strings.

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Time to Destination

“Show up-to-the-minute travel times for custom routes on portable, connected variable message signs – updated continuously in TraffiCloud™- with no sensor infrastructure.

  • Configure routes using the TraffiCloud interface and display real-time messages. 
  • Dynamically share the best route, based on current travel times.
  • Easy to configure and practical for use on roads, in parking facilities or in work zones. “

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Traffic Flow Management

Monitor and manage traffic flow throughout your purview in real time with roadside vehicle counter classifiers that install fast wherever they’re needed.

  • Gather multilane, bidirectional capabilities and volume, classification and speed data for fast, accurate speed and volume studies.
  • Reroute trucks away from local roads, divert traffic from accidents and congestion, and spot trends based on classification, direction, lane and time of day before they become problem areas.
  • Share real-time data with local government and neighboring communities to manage traffic flow holistically throughout the region

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Virtual Drive Times

Alert drivers to the best exit strategies as they head to their vehicles from building lobbies, event venues, parking garages or public elevators to reduce downstream congestion

Display up to five different options, along with the travel time for each, so drivers know the best route.

Great for lobbies, parking facilities and venues.

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Vehicle Count and Classification

Gather accurate real-time data for traffic studies to establish a baseline of traffic volume for analysis and proactive planning. 

  • Weighs in at 3 lbs with a built-in rechargeable battery that runs for up to two weeks
  • Non-invasive sensor technology 
  • Multi-lane, bidirectional data collection in up to four lanes at once 
  • Safe roadside installation in just minutes 
  • Download device data from anywhere there is an internet connection

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TraffiCloud: Manage Devices, Collect Data, View Reports

ATS TraffiCloud® is the secure, web-based ecosystem for managing all your traffic safety data and equipment. Save time, maximize resources and budget.

  • Save time collecting, organizing, compiling and distributing information
  • Mange your equipment remotely
  • Capture images; review, edit, print
  • Automate the collection of Lidar captures
  • Manage your entire system through an interactive map
  • Specify when and whom to notify upon occurrence of certain conditions
  • Get a perpetual warranty and remote diagnostics for the duration of your subscription.”

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On a per-dollar basis, this might be one of the best expenditures we have.

Council member Pasha Majdi
Vienna, Virginia Town Council

These signs made such a positive impact on our community.

Elizabeth Township

Proudly serving 5,000+ municipalities, law enforcement agencies, and commercial organizations in 50 states and over 20 countries

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